Clio is a song that came to life during a time when inspiration was eluding me. It's a heartfelt prayer to the Greek Muse, Clio, who was known to be the source of storytelling and creative spark. My long-time friend & collaborator, Jessica Sharman, and I wrote this song after a heart-to-heart about the magic and mystery of songwriting. We wondered how some songs effortlessly fall into place like gifts from above, while others take exhaustive effort before they reveal themselves. We likened this to the unpredictable nature of success, where some songs instantly catch a wave of popularity, while others can fall flat upon release and then find their moment later down the line, and its quite impossible to predict which.
There's a lot of honesty in the lyrics; at the time of writing the song I'd been down, uninspired and questioning when our next big levelling up moment might come along. All of that uncertainty channelled itself into what ironically turned out to be quite an inspired piece of music, with its scene changes and its twists and turns.
I've since learned to let go and to trust the process a lot more, we have to pour ourselves into the things we make, we try to be as honest about our human experience as we can and we leave the rest up to the universe (Or even the gods).
- Matt